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提出智能创新生产力概念及其理论模型,发现智能演进创新和非守恒规律及其作用原理,研究智能创新的核心生产力,即智能创新克服人的生理认知能力有限性与客观物质(能量)变化无限性之间的悖论,创造利用物质世界的无穷手段和能力,创造时间和空间,解决资源稀缺与社会需求矛盾;在此基础上发现智能创新自认知、自选择和自组织原理,破解著名的智能认知体系结构与优化代理体系结构(这是本文重要发现之一),研究智能创新的系统生产力,即智能经济相对于传统经济可以达到和实现理想的生产过程,使生产活动在开放的资源空间和动态系统中进行,虚拟智能的物理化使经济活动没有时空约束和资源稀缺约束,创新经济和社会的生产方式与组织形态.本文所提出的智能创新生产力理论模型,即智能创新的核心生产与系统生产力概念也为中国经济改革发展提出重要思考.  相似文献   
This experimental study investigated the effect of a leader's expression of happy versus nervous emotions on subsequent perceptions of leadership and ratings of traits associated with implicit leadership theories (ILTs). Being fast and universally understood, emotions are ideal stimuli for investigating the dynamic effects of ILTs, which were understood in this study in terms of the constraints that expressed emotions impose on the connectionist networks that activate ILTs. The experimental design contrasted videotaped and still frame presentations of a leadership event; however, this methodological factor had no significant effects and analyses were thus collapsed across this factor. Key findings were that the expression of a happy versus nervous emotion at the end of a problem-solving sequence had multiple effects: happy emotions resulted in higher leadership ratings, higher trait ratings, greater correlations among trait ratings, and greater dependence of trait ratings on leadership perceptions. An exploratory model suggested that leadership impressions mediated the effects of facial emotions on trait ratings. The discussion further links the study findings with interpretations in terms of ILTs and many types of constraints on these cognitive structures. It also suggests ways to integrate these ideas with advances in neuroscience research.  相似文献   
By integrating cognitive diversity into debiasing literature, this paper contributes towards opening the black box of executive judgment. Based on information processing theory we investigate the role of cognitive diversity in strategic decision making. We apply a vignette-based experimental research design to examine the effect of cognitive diversity in teams on decision maker's illusion of control. The results of these experiments provide evidence for a positive influence of high cognitive diversity for debiasing judgment while similarly indicating no such effect for groups with low cognitive diversity. These findings suggest that group composition aspects can play an important role for improving judgment in decision making teams and open promising new avenues for studying debiasing in behavioral strategy research.  相似文献   
考察了语言多样性对分析师盈余预测质量的影响,以及这种影响如何因员工教育水平的不同而变化.基于中国上市公司的实证检验结果显示,语言多样性显著降低了分析师盈余预测质量,但是随着公司员工受教育水平提高,语言多样性对分析师盈余预测质量的负面影响有所减弱.进一步研究发现,分析师与CEO间的校友关系增强了员工教育水平对语言多样性与分析师盈余预测准确性之间关系的正向调节作用.研究结论一定程度上丰富了分析师私有信息获取及其影响机理以及社会关系等方面的文献,而且还可帮助投资者、监管者等利益相关方更好地理解分析师行为,促进资源合理配置,增强资本市场的有效性等方面具有一定的启示意义.  相似文献   
Federal and other regulatory agencies often use or claim to use a weight of evidence (WoE) approach in chemical evaluation. Their approaches to the use of WoE, however, differ significantly, rely heavily on subjective professional judgment, and merit improvement. We review uses of WoE approaches in key articles in the peer‐reviewed scientific literature, and find significant variations. We find that a hypothesis‐based WoE approach, developed by Lorenz Rhomberg et al., can provide a stronger scientific basis for chemical assessment while improving transparency and preserving the appropriate scope of professional judgment. Their approach, while still evolving, relies on the explicit specification of the hypothesized basis for using the information at hand to infer the ability of an agent to cause human health impacts or, more broadly, affect other endpoints of concern. We describe and endorse such a hypothesis‐based WoE approach to chemical evaluation.  相似文献   
本文以1995-2005年沪深两市8923个A股上市公司的样本作为对象,实证研究了公司所有权类型、所在地区市场化的程度、制度变迁与董事的专业性、政治关联性的关系。研究发现,当上市公司为国有企业时,董事会中有政治关联的董事较多,但有专业知识的董事较少。如果上市公司处在市场化程度较高的地区时,董事会成员中有政治关联的董事较少,有专业知识的董事较多。随时间的变动和制度变迁,有专业知识的董事数有所增加,但有政治关联的董事人数也同时增加。本文的研究在丰富了公司治理文献的同时,对于了解影响我国董事会构成的因素提供了重要的实证证据。  相似文献   
This paper explores the possibilities presented by DEA to assess quality of life and evaluate the performance of city managers in what concerns the promotion of urban quality of life. Using the data provided by the Urban Audit program, from the European Union, we defined the city profile regarding quality of life for 206 cities. Two approaches are presented: the construction of a composite indicator of quality of life and the assessment of local management performance, contextualised by the GDP per capita to measure the ability of local authorities to promote quality of life given the economic condition of the country. The results identify the cities with urban best practices and present a model of intervention for the cities considered inefficient, based on benchmarking principles.  相似文献   
基于新消费者行为理论的供应链应急预案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用应急管理中的分级思想和新消费者行为理论,提出了应急事件下,估计供应链损失的新方法.通过该方法能够比较容易地算出供应链应急损失值,然后把该值与应急预案的阀值进行比较,从而确定供应链应急预案的启动时机.  相似文献   
基于内容分析法的电子商务模式分类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球电子商务的蓬勃发展,商务模式作为描述企业如何创造价值的概念成为一个热门研究领域。然而,在电子商务模式分类这一基本问题上还未形成共识,人们依据不同分类标准建立了不同的电子商务模式分类框架。本研究对CNKI中文期刊全文数据库中篇名或摘要包含电子商务模式的文献中的商务模式分类标准及类别进行内容分析,结果表明出现频次较高的分类标准依次为交易主体、交互模式和价值链整合、价值链中的位置和盈利方式、市场主导力量和新旧经济5种,并且交互模式和价值链整合、新旧经济以及价值链中的位置和盈利方式这3种标准随时间推移所占比例逐渐上升,表明主流分类标准越来越关注于价值的创造方式和创造过程,这一趋势与电子商务模式定义所揭示的价值创造本质及其发展趋势是一致的。同时,分类体系的多样性也影响了人们对电子商务模式的理解和沟通,未来研究需要提出基于价值主张的更为通用和全面的分类体系来指导商务模式创新实践。  相似文献   
研发效率的高低是影响企业研发决策和经济增长效率的重要因素。已有研究在选择分析方法的时候往往只是根据主观判断,并没有给出明确和客观的理由。而且由于在样本区间、指标选择和数据处理等方面存在较大差异,不同研究之间难以进行直接比较,其核算结果也不能作为判断哪种方法有效的依据。本文在相同的样本区间、指标选择和数据处理前提下,针对中国各地区大中型工业企业1996—2005年的面板数据样本,利用索洛剩余核算、随机前沿分析和数据包络分析等方法对中国企业的研发效率进行评价。通过不同指标和方法的分析比较,可以得到相对更为全面和准确的测度,从而对中国企业的研发行为及效率做出较为客观的评价。  相似文献   
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